In the book The Great Learning (Daxue) it is written: “All things have roots and branches“. The branches of Tai Chi Chuan are visible today, but the roots are hidden in the mists of time. On the search for them, this little book& ...
Quiet like a mountain, moving like a river, Tai Chi is a sequence of gentle movements based on images found in nature. In this beginner-level class, Irving Yee, a member of the William CC Chen Tai Chi School, introduces& ...
8 week course with Matt Berry starting Tuesday 10th September 2013. 11am – 12.30. £7 a session or £48 to paid up front. Suitable for beginners and experienced alike. Please contact Matt on 07813902266 or email westwalestaichi@gmail.
Steve Aldus performs demonstrations of tai chi chuan movements at Vera Harrison`s annual martial arts seminar.
In the book The Great Learning (Daxue) it is written: “All things have roots and branches“. The branches of Tai Chi Chuan are visible today, but the roots are hidden in the mists of time. On the search for them, this little book& ...
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